Christoper Andersonn is a Life Coach, speaker, and Executive business consultant who has worked with thousands of people worldwide, including individuals, business owners, management teams, parents, coaches, Olympians, professional athletes, and young athletes, for over forty years. He is the author of Living an Enchanted Life and Will You Still Love Me If I Don’t Win? He has a Bachelor of Science, a Bachelor of Arts Degree, and a secondary teaching credential in Physical Education from San Francisco State University. He lives with his wife, Barbara, in San Rafael, CA.
The Books

Back cover: In Living An Enchanted Life: Feel More Alive, Heal your body, Attract Happiness and Love into your Life, Christopher Andersonn embarks on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. This remarkable book blends memoir with transformative self-help, offering a roadmap to a life filled with love, happiness, and fulfillment. Drawing from over four decades of experience in metaphysics and spirituality, Andersonn shares insights from his personal transformation and the profound changes he has witnessed in others.
From the Introduction: Over time, my clients often asked me if I had written a book. They wanted something to refer to about what they had been learning. One of the things they wanted to see in it was the “Body Messages List,” which I had given to many of them. The list refers to the “messages” your body gives you through the various health issues you experience. I began to wonder that if so many wanted a book to refer to and were benefitting that much from working with the list, why not write one and include an updated expanded list? It would also give me a chance to reach a broader audience. With this in mind, I decided to write this book. I share the essence of what I’ve learned in over four decades of working with metaphysics and spirituality and how it applies to being able to more consciously create, heal, and transform your life. It’s drawn from my own growth, healing, personal transformation, and the many changes I have witnessed in those I’ve counseled.
What the book offers:
1- A comprehensive, detailed look at the fundamental truth of you create your reality—life doesn’t happen to you. Knowing this truth gives you the power to change anything in your life.
2- Learn how you attract reality to you through your resonance, which is your “personal magnetic energy field,” and how to change your resonance to attract new opportunities and choices beyond any current limitations you are experiencing in your life. That includes how much love, happiness, fulfillment, good health, and abundance you allow into your life.
3- Highly effective techniques to help you access your deeper, pent-up emotions (whether you are aware of them or not). This will allow you to heal recent and past emotional trauma, help you discover and let go of the root emotions at the source of destructive emotional patterns in relationships, improve your health, and help you feel more alive.
4- An extensive, detailed list of health issues and their root causes. Your beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts are the source of many maladies, but many others have an emotional root cause, which so many other body/mind books pay little attention to. This list does pay attention to how your emotions can impact your health. It details a multitude of specific maladies along with their emotional root.
5- Techniques to create a holistic relationship with your body to help you more easily interpret the nuances of the messages your body gives you. You can develop a new and entirely different relationship with your body, a friendship even, that will enhance your health’s current and future state.
6- A guide for interpreting the many messages your overall reality gives you beyond what your body tells you. Many are obvious, such as how happy or unhappy you are or how much abundance you experience in your life, but many are not. Examples are difficulty creating a workable, loving relationship, never having enough money, feeling disconnected from yourself and others, etc. You will be given techniques to help you understand why you are creating these situations and how to heal and change them.
7- A different perspective on Spirituality and Metaphysical tools that will allow you to create (while in meditation) a personal, very real relationship with God/Goddess/All That Is and your Higher Self. These relationships will give you not only a tremendous sense of belonging, but you will also feel their unconditional love for you.
When you integrate these seven components into your life, you will create what I call an enchanted life.
You can purchase it at: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Enchanted-Life-Attract-Happiness/dp/B0CWMZ5R7D/
Listen to Mike Robbins interview Christopher Andersonn about his book, Living an Enchanted Life, on his Podcast: https://mike-robbins.com/podcast-post/living-an-enchanted-life-with-christopher-andersonn/

A coach once told me that he pictured the foundation of competitive sports as a three-legged stool. The first leg was technique, the physical skills of the sport. The second leg was psychology, which he defined as goal setting, positive thinking, mental preparation, and so forth. And the third leg was the actual training, or practice, of the sport. But after some years of coaching, he recognized that something was missing. There was a fourth leg on the stool, and ultimately the most important. It was the emotional side of sports.
In my experience, this emotional side of sports “the way athletes feel about themselves and the effect those feelings have on their performance” is the most significant issue affecting young athletes today. There is no doubt that unresolved anger, pressure-producing fear, disappointment, hurt, and other suppressed feelings can handicap an athlete’s abilities. At the very least, emotional pressure can turn competitive athletics into an emotional struggle, taking all the fun out of the sports experience. These problems are not about thinking, they are about feeling: emotions.
Will You Still Love Me If I Don’t Win? demonstrates through true stories about young athletes and their parents that the vast majority of parents have much more of an emotional impact on their children than they are aware of, particularly when their children are involved in competitive sports. And that impact always affects their children’s sense of worth, self-esteem, and value. This book helps you learn when and how your impact can be more positive than negative—and how to change.
“Will You Still Love Me If I Don’t Win? is one of the most powerful and important books you will ever read and experience. It will take courage to read this book and apply what you will learn to your relationships with the people you love and cherish the most. Many self-help, psychology, or relationship books are written at a level that is far too shallow to make a difference. This book will affect you at a fundamental level that will make a difference in your life and the lives of your children. Every coach and every parent should read this book. I wish I could have read it thirty years ago.”
Richard Quick, Five-Time Olympic Women’s Swimming Coach, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
To purchase the book go to: https://www.amazon.com/Will-You-Still-Love-Dont/dp/0878331727/
Personal Sessions
You Create Your Reality. There Are No Accidents
When there is conflict in your reality, there is conflict somewhere inside of you. Whether you recognize it or not, it’s there. If it were not, your reality would be different, one without conflict, pain, or disharmony.
What you may not know is that conflict, disappointment, or pain in your life is not something to hide from or deny; instead, it is quite valuable. It is a personal roadmap telling you what needs attention and healing. It’s a way to learn about yourself and change.
Most people believe that conflicting circumstances in their relationships, jobs, and families are caused by the people around them and the events that happen to them. And they believe there isn’t much they can do about it. Well, unexpected events do happen. People can be unloving and hurtful. Yet, what if you discovered that you are influencing what happens in your life—that you have always been influencing what happens in your life?
The truth is, you have everything to do with what happens in your life. Your beliefs, attitudes, the emotions you feel—and suppress, the way you think, and the decisions you make and have made—particularly early on in your life—combine to create your resonance. What is your resonance? It’s your personal energy, or vibration, that you generate into the world. This vibration has a magnetic quality, attracting the events, the kind of relationships you have, your level of success and failure, and everything else in your life to you. In other words, nothing in your life happens by accident. You are creating it, whether you are conscious of it or not. If you hold this truth as your foundation, your perspective of living life, you give yourself the power to change anything.
With this fundamental truth—you create your reality—as the basis for how our lives function, I wrote Living an Enchanted Life: Feel More Alive, Heal Your Body, Attract Happiness and Love into Your Life.
It is a guide for not only understanding the intricacies of how reality creation works but also, with the information, insight, and techniques that are offered, how you can change your life.
All the personal sessions I do are based on this approach. It is a proven way to live a successful and fulfilling life, an enchanted life.
Contact Information
If you are interested in doing personal sessions, or you would like to leave any comments about your experience with Living an Enchanted Life or Will You Still Love Me If I Don’t Win?, you can contact Chris Andersonn at candersonn@att.net
Most of my sessions are done by phone. In-person visits are always available when requested. I can travel to meet clients for personal sessions, partnership sessions, and speaking engagements.